Photographers I've been Following: Dark Arts Doom Crew Edition
Saturday, February 4, 2012
For quite awhile I've been following the group Dark Arts Doom Crew on Tumblr. These individuals have a very unique way of presenting themselves as artists. They remind me of the days skateboarders were becoming more in-touch with art than skating. Back then I used skate with a couple of friends in the small town of Lemoore, CA. I would listen to a lot of punk/emo/old school hip-hop stuff to set the mood of my daily skate routines. I would listen to people jam on some stuff and have a collective of friends just skate the town. Now that I am 26, a blogger, photographer, and musician that these people didn't seem to exist anymore until this crew popped up. It wasn't until last night I watched a couple of scenes of the movie "Beautiful Losers" that made me realize that certain skaters that I admired, musicians that I played with, and friends that were part of the whole scene had some sort of artistic vision. They can possibly be much better than any photographer, designer, or artist out there in the commercial world. I am very influenced by the way they work, market, and present themselves as photographers or designers. So who are they... I can name three that I'm inspired by so far.

Forever Homesiq (Juan Gabe)
Juan Gabe, lead singer of Comadre, has known to be the designer for some of the Comadre albums as of late. Just recently he exhibited some of his work at the Grape and Grain Doom Crew show back in January. I know that he's more of a pen and paper kind of guy, but his photography seems to interest me the most. I feel like he uses his images as a canvas for his next designs. He shoots with a Contax P&S, all film. Maybe the d.i.y aspect of his work inspires me. And that's why I respect him.

Siq Shit (Kenny Gabe)
I'm starting to get to know this guy personally as he also a member of Comadre (guitar player). I don't think he knows this, but he's a great writer and photographer. With those combinations that's something to be very proud of. He uses a pretty basic Canon P&S with a off mount flash to document his stuff. His approach is very basic, but he does it in a way that makes me feel like I'm right there in the action. It's great stuff and I hope he continues with it.

Badd Habits (John McCarthy)
John McCarthy is pretty awesome in my opinion. Most of his image titles have a very poetic, but aggressive point of view. Shoots film, uses either an slr or a P&S, and just has a good time with life. I can only imagine the ideas that pop into his head when he thinks of a design. Most of his images are just photos that, I feel, reflect on how he felt that day. John you got some cool capture, but even better when you present your work. I love it.
There are others that you want to check out which include A Love Token and Blood of the Young. Remember that these individuals are part of a community that are out there really making their work happen. They don't waste time, but they have a good time doing what they love. Thanks guys for the inspiration. Hope to kick with you guys again. Until next time....
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