It's Already the End of November

Wednesday, November 29, 2023

In the last few weeks I've started doing a lot of recording for the upcoming projects. Lately things have been so good and have been trying to get my bearings moving to finish things that I felt needed more attention.

As of right now this record is coming out this Friday. I've realized a lot of my ideas need to be stamped and released and I need to be willing to pull the trigger just to showcase what I'm thinking and how I feel. I don't necessarily need to always be keeping things in the vault and to be able to express what I'm doing has been very freeing.

I'm going to be doing more cassette recording projects in the coming year to just keep the flex of writing as much as I can. I obviously need to get better at some of my composition and need to get better on master my records, but for the most part I'll keep recording as best as I can. I may need to purchase some updated gear and figure out how I can optimize my setup.

Some of the projects that I had started mid year has been curbed to figure other things out. I don't think I can post things up all the time and being that I'm more about focused projects rather than just stupid one offs that just don't go anywhere. I'm kinda tired of just not having a focused viewpoint on what I release.

DiGiCam shooting is still on deck. I love this Minolta camera that I've been working with for the last few months. And to be honest I think this is the only camera I want to use for specific images that could be used for some of the my music projects. I've been thinking how my photos and music can play a part on all of this. I'm also thinking of these trilogies or tetrology.

Small updates and some little to big projects. I love what I do and I wanna keep it that way.

- Arthur