Day 37 of 365: Aimlessly
Monday, February 6, 2012

It was one of those days where I had a couple errands to take care and a lot of time to kill. The light didn't do it for me, I had no other plans, and I wasn't feelin' up to par with the photo thing. So what do I do? I let myself walk aimlessly. Man... it was quite a trip. I started out finishing up some errands, decided to ride on the bus to Guitar Center (needed to pick up some strings), walked to my favorite tea shop and then I went and played some video games. In between everything I managed to find certain things to photograph. Wasn't my best shots, but it was something to look forward to on an entry. I did notice that certain areas of San Francisco were foreign to me. It told me that I need to expand the width of my travels when engaging the street. My comfort zone is coming back and I need to deplete that from my routine.

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