Day 41 of 365: Around...
Friday, February 10, 2012

Just one of those days. I'm not sure why me and Theo decided to shoot, but I guess it was more of a "hey dude... let's fuckin' hang out and stuff.. or something like that..


I'm thinking about getting this camera. For awhile I've debated getting some sort of point-and-shoot, but was too caught up on getting other gear like the Leica M9. Course that dream ended when you see the price on I know that I'll be purchasing a Canon 7 here pretty soon, but I'm also interested in getting digital P&S and a film P&S. Sometimes having the DSLR can be a pain. I love it and will never part without it, but there are gonna be some situations where I need to have something a little more compact. I've been looking at some sample images, checking out the RAW file quality, and figuring out what would be the reason why I would get something like this. I have plenty of reasons, but is it worth it in the long run? Who knows.. we'll have to find out when I test it.
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