Friday, August 28, 2015
It's interesting when a company puts certain individuals in positions they can't handle and put the blame on the thing they weren't qualified for. Maybe that's why the trainer at the last company update sounded like he was drunk.
Monday, August 24, 2015

Duplexes / Middletown, Ct / May 2015
It was cold that afternoon, but warm enough to take a shaky picture
Friday, August 21, 2015
Things have been pretty busy on my end. I feel like I haven't given myself the chance to breathe and observe the happenings around me. And here I am... writing about it.. and have not given that chance still.
Over the course of the last few months my production has been crazy. Shooting pictures, editing pictures, writing music, printing books, photographing portraits, working a lot, going on small adventures, hiking, eating better, dieting, shopping for new gear, shooting digital again, and whatever else things. This mindset is endless and I think that it's healthy. I couldn't just sit on a chair and think about things anymore. Kind of tired of doing that.
So, by the time I write this I had a show and had attempted to sell books of a project that I had recently done. I had made big prints to showcase a preview of what the book looks like and shown some other pieces that could be potential for newer projects. These shows are not only a way to showcase work finished work, but to allow a preview of what's to come. It's a chance to see the audience members' reaction of what you're thinking about.
Other things have been floating on my mind aside from just shooting and creating projects. I've been on the binge listening to Ian Mckaye's wisdom over the past few months and have made some conclusions as to how I can become a better artist to not only myself, but to the world. Lately I've been wanting to share my work in more of a tangible way rather showing things on screen. Printing has been a major thing for me and allowing the people the opportunity to have a copy of what I have is more than enough for me to feel I'm succeeding as an artist.
I've been wanting to make a small distro that will allow my audience the opportunity to not only purchase my work, but the work of others as well. The distro will not only sell books or zines, but the opportunity to purchase music as well. Earlier this year I realized that music has to be attached to my work somehow. It would be stupid to stray away from something I grew up with for many years.
You will see releases shortly as I am determined to figure out how this will all work. I want this to be done right. This will be small place to work with friends and other artists that I aspire to be. Things are getting exciting and that's the way it should be.
Monday, August 17, 2015

Portland Morning Routes / Portland, Ct / May 2015
There are some mornings where I have to drive a longer route just so that I feel the sun touching me without any hesitation. It allows me to think, feel and appreciate that the light shapes places & things in such beautiful ways. Read more...
Friday, August 14, 2015
I'm not sure if I should be writing anything as of this moment, but I'm feelin' a bit blue and maybe this whole "writing my thoughts" bit will ease some things.
I know I've mentioned my outlook regarding my work and worth in a negative way. And I can't help the fact that feeling this way stems from the worth of the guy who takes pictures of his cat, or the girls who take pictures of naked girls, or the skaters that photograph their friends drinking and passing out. This isn't anything against them, for sure, but my place in the art world is far away from the circle of artists that appreciate them.
And maybe I'm just whining about shit, but I'm kind of withering away in the world. I'll soon be buried or thrown away. I really got nothing to prove nor have anything to prove it to other than myself.
I'm beginning to think that everything that I'm doing is deeming sort of useless. Again, this is me possibly feeling like I don't belong anywhere in the world, but that's just how I feel I guess. I know that on an earlier post I had mentioned me making my art a benefit for others, but still I'd like to know if the work I'm creating is work that helps others. Because right now I feel like my work is pretty much doing nothing.
Monday, August 10, 2015

Roger, Mark & Keith / Glastonbury, Ct / May 2015
That was a good day with these guys. Keith was chillin' at SO G Coffee and we happened to swing around Roger's place where Mark was editing photographs of a shoot they did a day or so ago. This is something I miss most since I don't have much friends to kick it with these days. All talented dudes. Miss them already. Read more...
Friday, August 7, 2015
Maybe I'm getting old or decided that people are just plain crazy, but when you sniff coke during lunch and go back to processing shit on the computer you must be one fucking hell of a person. Just to be fair I'm guilty of doing such things (not that extreme though). Too much man.....
Read more...GRAVES
Monday, August 3, 2015

Meredith Graves / Amherst, Ma / May 2015
I was pretty stoked to finally meet this womyn. I've been a bit of a fan of Perfect Pussy and have followed them here and there. Seeing them play had reminded me of what it was like to be in a band and what it meant to just throw down your feelings in front of people. It was a great show that night.
But prior to this show I had created and recorded some songs for a band I wanted to make here in Connecticut. I've been feeding to just play in front of people. The itch started coming back. I recorded some tracks and dropped them into a USB drive to give to Meredith. I wanted to see if Meredith would be down to be my singer for the band I wanted to create. Well... I never heard back from her and I was kinda sad about it. Oh well. It is what it is. I'm sure she was busy and stuff and why would she want to be in a band with some stranger anyway? Fuck it.