Grace and Rollie Reunion

80's Prom Night

Over the weeks I haven't really had any motivation to start on my project that I wanted to start earlier this year. Drastic changes have been made not only by concept, but by life and by mood. Underground hip hop has been an interest as of late and the whole "card file" concept is being shelved. The whole "intuitive" shooting lives on.
Here is a reunion between my friend Grace and her cat Rollie. Grace had moved to New York earlier this year and she needed us to take care of her cat. It was nice to see them reunite before she had to leave again to New York.
80's prom was awesome. These are some samples of photos taken of that night. It was a lot of fun. We all enjoyed ourselves.
There you go. This is what my lenses have seen these past few weeks. More photos can be looked at on my
Flickr page.
Grace and Rollie
80's Prom
*update 1/31/19
Links are no longer available