Day 42 of 365: Chinese New Year
Saturday, February 11, 2012

This was my first year documenting the Chinese New Year Parade. I know I could've photographed the usuals, but I was more interested on how me, Sean Custer, and Theo Slavin went about this shoot.
The action was awesome! The light was just right and the people were very chill. I had no problem using my flash and I had no problem getting pictures. We three had a flow that definitely helped me be more observant. Sean had his "shoot from the hip" method, Theo had his "go in and smile" flow, and I had the "I'll blast you with my flash" attitude. While we had different methods we all went in and tried to capture a moment that will go unnoticed.
In this set of images I wanted to look at the festival in a different angle. Instead of capturing the usual shots of the parade floats or photographing people posing I went in and candidly photographed the people. Remember that these individuals are the reason why these parades are exciting. If it weren't for them parades would be as dull as watching Nick at Night reruns.

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