Day 254 of 365: NY Capture From The Hip

Monday, September 10, 2012

New York Capture From The Hip

For the first time I had the opportunity to go to New York with the intention to photograph for my long term project. I was able to arrive in the city early in the morning, walk around, take some pictures, and really feel the moment. Through the process I did snap some photos for the blog entry so the images you see here today are a preview of what it's like. In about a couple of weeks I'm going to be attempting the same thing again, but to venture of different places that I've never been to before. Today was a good day to shoot. I'm definitely satisfied.

New York Capture From The Hip

New York Capture From The Hip

New York Capture From The Hip

New York Capture From The Hip

New York Capture From The Hip

New York Capture From The Hip

New York Capture From The Hip

New York Capture From The Hip

New York Capture From The Hip

New York Capture From The Hip