Day 245 of 365: September to Remember
Saturday, September 1, 2012

It's the first day of September and already the foliage starts to uncover from the beautiful landscapes of the East Coast. This month is an important month for me. It's the month that transitions to the fall and before you know it winter swings on by in front of your eyes. Today my friend Kase, girlfriend and I went to my gf's old college in UMASS Amherst. The drive is only an hour away from where my girlfriends parents live, but we decided to head out there early in the morning to avoid traffic and such. During the tour my girlfriend tells us about her experiences about the school, where she ate, which buildings she had to go to for class, and the like. During that time she reminisces her years as being a student and how amazing her experiences were. I've never seen her happy and proud. This university was the bridge to becoming the person she is today. Man... kinda makes me jealous that I've never had that experience. Oh well... today was fun just chillin'.

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