Day 65 of 365: In the Morning In the Evening

Monday, March 5, 2012

In the Morning In the Evening

I kept it simple today...

After yesterday's shoot I still felt overwhelmed from the amount of images I had edited. It was amazing how it all turned out. So I took it slow... Observed through the frame rather than shoot on impulse. I walked a slower pace than my usual speed walk sets. Today was good... today was good because the people made it good.

In the Morning In the Evening

In the Morning In the Evening

In the Morning In the Evening

In the Morning In the Evening

In the Morning In the Evening

In the Morning In the Evening

In the Morning In the Evening

In the Morning In the Evening

In the Morning In the Evening

In the Morning In the Evening

In the Morning In the Evening

In the Morning In the Evening

In the Morning In the Evening

In the Morning In the Evening

In the Morning In the Evening

In the Morning In the Evening

In the Morning In the Evening

In the Morning In the Evening