It's Nice

Tuesday, May 30, 2023

Nice to know that the sun is here and the summer didn't even start. It's nice to know I'm able to sit here with no worries writting this blog post and watching Summer Games Done Quick on my phone hanging out in the front porch ready to head to work in a couple of minutes. It's nice to know that just this past weekend I saw a Kpop group in a stadium, at a bunch of good food & mellowed out with my girlfriend. I don't know what else to say.

And this coming weekend I go back to New York to see Yvette Young play in a string quartet. There's just so much shit happening that I'm starting to realize where I am at is where I wanted to be this whole time. I'm happy and content and grateful and will work harder and smarter and be better and all that other shit that will hopefully get me to do more things like this in the years to come.

I wouldn't want to be anywhere else, but here. And I'm glad I'm here. I'm glad this all matters.

- Arthur