Day 237 of 365: On it Firing Away
Friday, August 24, 2012

Since New Haven is the nearest place where Chase Bank is located from where I live I went ahead and took that trip to deposit my check. I decided to park the car and sort of explore a certain section of the city for my blog entry. Well.. I think I got lucky today. Earlier this morning NBCCT news had done a story about Freshman getting ready to board in the dorms before the semester begins at Yale. Since the morning light was pretty good and certain spots of the town were busy it was a great opportunity to photograph. I think that New Haven will be my way out to photograph some interesting stuff if I start to lose interest in photographing at/near home. Not only that fall is slowly coming through and I'm sure the light will start to change. I had also started getting the backlog of my negs developed so the next few weeks should be pretty interesting.

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