Day 1 of 365: Happy New Year... Rest in Peace Jazzy
Sunday, January 1, 2012

Happy New Year everyone! It's been a long journey in 2011. I know that I've learned a lot over the year and had made some new friends, created two bodies of work, and have experienced some new things photographically. It's been awesome.
But to start the year off I wanted to dedicate this post to one of my cats Jasper. I miss the little guy and he just recently passed away sleeping next to me. He was the first image I took on the first day of 2011. Now that it is 2012 it would only make sense to dedicate this loss to him. We buried Jazzy in my girlfriends backyard in her hometown of Lowell, Mass. I love him very much and hope that he's somewhere in cat heaven. I love you Jazz..
This year I want to attempt a 365 project. I want to keep myself motivated and photograph as much as I can. I want to exercise my eyes and see the world in a way I've never seen it before. I know it's going to be an obstacle, but I'm motivated to keep the spirit of photography alive. We'll see how this goes. By the way... this whole project is influenced by Rolo Tanedo. He just recently finished his 365 project. Check it out! It's amazing!
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