Friday, March 11, 2016
I've been playing with the idea of combining a full length record with a book of photographs for quite some time. There was actually a book I created called "AN EVENING WITH THE NURSE" that was supposed to attach to a 3 or 4 song EP I was writing at the time.

Of course the body of work didn't really fall through as I hoped it would. It was sounding good for a bit, but I just decided to drop it. I guess I wasn't as satisfied with the full package.
But I'm starting to take that chance again. I've found a new arrangement of work lately and it's been giving me a piece of mind. I've slowed down on photographs and I've been making a substantial amount of songs.
What I plan on doing this year is to make a solo full length album. About 9 or 10 songs. The project is currently titled "LOST LOVES". And for this title it only seemed appropriate as to how I've been feeling for the last few months.
I can only hope that this body of work goes somewhere. I'm hoping that somewhere down the line that this album and this body of photographs somewhere surfaces to a place it belongs.
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