Day 365 of 365: Goodbye 365 - It was a Great Year
Sunday, December 30, 2012

I can't believe from day one I was determined to finish a project I have never done before. I was able to keep myself motivated regardless if I felt out of touch with photography. Because of this commitment I realized how important it is to me. I realized that photography is not a hobby... it's a way of life. For years and years my photography had many failures. But I never gave up and it grew into something that I never thought it would grow into. It's an obsession, an addiction, looking through the frames of a world that I still don't understand. It's a passion, a mindset, a moment. I'm not sure where I will go from here, but I know that I have another great year ahead.
I want to thank all of my friends and family that have supported me on this project. I want to thank the people who understood my concepts and have helped me with whatever I needed just to make sure that I had something to write about for my 365. I know to some of you this may be a little thing, but to me.... to me... this project meant everything. Goodbye 365... I may see you again someday.
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