Street Modeling
Wednesday, April 27, 2011

It amazes me how well she can combine certain parts of clothing into great outfits. She really pays attention to detail down to the shoes. Great preview from the closet of treasure.

Saw this elderly man pass by and I had to take a photo of him. I love the way the elderly dress up. Clean cut, presentable, and stern. Simple and to the point.

So, it's starting to lighten up here in the city. People are dressing a little more casual since the weather has been warming up. I haven't focused on doing much street modeling these days since the transitions have been a bit weird as of late. Now that the city is being exposed to more light, it's time to kick this into gear start finding some more of these portraits.
On another note... it's been a crazy few days. Last Saturday I took the position as second photographer for Kaboo Vang. This was the first time I was able to experience a real wedding. Tomorrow I will be shooting a private event at the MaxMara store in the city. Expect much updates in the coming weeks.
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