People When They First Wake Up: A Kasey Vidaud Series
Monday, November 12, 2012

I just recently friended Kasey at a job we both work at. We swapped info, talked about our thoughts on photography, and ate lunch at Sbarro. She's a very chill girl who has aspirations of becoming a full time artist. Today I present a series of images that I thought was an interesting concept.
On these set of images I was very intrigued by the idea of people being photographing at the moment they just woke up. The idea seems pretty original where Kasey manages to photograph her subjects in the most vulnerable part of their day. The interesting part is their expressions, what they wore during their sleep, and their response when looking at the camera. It's a clever idea, intimate, and good representation to the real selves we don't like to expose to the world.

She's told me she's been on a slump for a good number of years. Maybe this post will allow her to think about getting in the groove again. I really do believe in people that photograph in such a personal perspective and these set of images definitely speaks that kind of language. it's an intimate feel that I really love about this series.
She hasn't updated in such a long time, but you can find her @
I hope she can get back in the groove and create more beautiful work.
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