Weekly Sunday Photo Challenge: Still Life
Sunday, April 1, 2012

Yup.. it's that time again. It's been weeks since we've hosted something like this. The theme this week was to do a still life assignment using window light with household items as a subject. You can use fill cards, but no artificial light to fill in the shadows. So.. this is what I came up with....

Another Reflection (Nujabes)
Dedicated to the late Nujabes listening to this song helped me compose this image. It's a close up shot of an x-acto knife that was cropped really deep. I wanted to go into more of a newsprint style to give it a different look. What do you think? I had a lot of fun doing it.

Alissa R. Kennedy
Roll It Up (Crystal Method)
Oh man!! Conceptually Alissa was on point with this one. The color factor of these images are quite amazing and I have to say I've been seeing a lot of growth in her photography since the challenges started. I mean look at it!!! Jeez... the background of the 120 film, the positioning of the cameras, the color choices, line factor... much of these aspects play a good role in this image alone. Great job Alissa... always good to see what you do!!
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