Monday, March 10, 2014


I did a google search on my name while I was at work and ended up discovering a site that had done a screenshot of my website. And when I looked at it I could't believe the content that I had embedded in the page years ago. It was so messy. Didn't have much space to work with. I think in that time I had this idea that putting in more would make it look "professional?" Guess I was wrong in that department. VERY WRONG. But it's always nice to look back and see how far I've come.

While I had recently revamped the portfolio, this blog, my tumblr and had added a new addition to the family (instagram), I am pretty much set for now. I'm liking how my website looks and love the fact that I can build off a design that I like very much. I'm going to be keeping my logo for long time.