Portfolio Preview (Bsides)
Monday, December 12, 2011

I finally finished the majority of images I've taken this year. I developed two bodies of work at the same time. The work took hours and hours of editing. I wasn't so sure if I was able to finish it, but I managed to pull through. The first portion of the year dealt with much of the digital realm. As I started getting comfortable shooting in public I started to realize that my presence was too noticeable to capture shots. I then picked up a cheap rangefinder that would allow me to maneuver and take closer looks at achieving a better shot. I then started getting influenced on shooting with a flash and my presence is now in the open once again. My mind set has circulated through these different ideas so much I've exhausted it. I had to pull back and just observe than to just compulsively hit the shutter. You are looking at some examples of work that I've done over the year.

These images are the sprinkle of what I have gathered over the countless months, weeks and days shooting to school, at home, going to work, with friends, etc. By next month I should have an online portfolio active. This will showcase much of the work I've done. My main portfolios are finished, but there are a few I am considered to put in the fold. I'm excited about how these images turned out. Hopefully later I'll be able to showcase this work to an audience. Till then enjoy!
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